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Made-for-More Syndrome

A seed is planted in the shadows of daily routine.

A pause in thought invites the sprinkling rains of growth.

At first, its gentle breeze tickles the perimeter of your mind.

Then a brief comparison to something else injects it with Miracle-Gro and the idea sprouts.

“I’m made for more than this.”

The idea is visible, and once presented there’s no hiding from its confrontation.

You have a choice: acknowledge its voice and continue as you were, or consider the possibility of something more.

On one hand, you can accept what’s in front of you and everything about it—your current role, growth potential, people, depth and fulfillment, culture, opportunities and compensation.

Or you can entertain the idea that you were made for more.

The debate is a comparison game in which you ping pong arguments from both sides. You compare reality with fantasy, the known with the unknown, reason with emotion, and truth with assumption.

There’s nothing wrong with wrestling through this. You are merely comparing options.

The danger comes when the idea of something else spawns another seed called entitlement. Entitlement, then, can breed bitterness, and bitterness will seal the fate of your current position faster than the sun can wilt a flower in the desert.

The simple idea of something else has tainted your ability to reason, and “made for more” becomes an escape rather than a pursuit.

If you’re considering a position other than the one you are currently in, check yourself—have you considered that maybe you were made to be more where you currently are?

When seeking the answer, ensure that the wisdom of others is heard, the truth is sought, perspective is collected, and the voice of reason prevails.

Whatever the outcome, may you flourish.
Dave Goldfain

Cereal Founder & CMO

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